E-Jurnal STIKes PERTAMEDIKA is a directory of electronic journals at the College of Health Sciences Pertamedika which contains journalists who collaborate with various research institutions and professional associations. This directory contains links to various journals that publish research articles and scientific studies in the health sciences. online scientific journal system based on the Open Journal System (OJS). If you have questions related to the E-Journal of the Pertamedika College of Health (Publish Journals, Guidelines, Reporting Bugs or Errors) please contact the Publication Coordinator of the College of Health Sciences Pertamedika on Hp: 085298638639 or Email: lppmpertamedika@gmail.com.
Journal of Nursing and Health Science
Journal of Nursing and Health Science (JNHS) is a national peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the exchange of high-quality research results in all aspects of nursing and health science. This journal publishes cutting-edge papers in fundamental theory, experiments and simulations, as well as applications, with systematically proposed methods, adequate reviews of previous works, expanded discussion and concise conclusions. As our commitment to health advancement. JNHS follows an open access policy which allows published articles to be available for free online without the need for a subscription
JNHSÂ published by Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pertamedika Published 3 (three) times in 1 (one) year in Oktober, February and Juny.
Before Submission Authors must ensure that the manuscript has been prepared using the template following the author's guidelines. Any text that does not meet the author's guidelines, focus and scope, written in a different format will be rejected immediately. The only manuscripts that meet the Template standards will be further processed.
International Standard Serial Number: 2808-2370
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Journal Community Service of Health Science
Journal Community Service of Health Science (JCSHS), is a multidisciplinary scientific journal of health science published by STIKes Pertamedika. It is at the national level that covers many general health problems or issues. The Journal of Community Service contains various activities from various community groups in handling and managing various potentials, obstacles, challenges and problems that exist in society. The implementation of service activities also involves the participation of the community and working partners. Service activities are organized into activities that aim to improve community welfare.
JCSHS will be published twice per year. Please read these guidelines carefully. Authors who want to submit their manuscripts must comply with the writing guidelines. If the submitted manuscript does not comply with the guidelines or is written in a different format, it will be REJECTED by the editorial team before it is further reviewed through the Double-Blind Peer-Review Process. Further details on reviewing policies and processes are available in the submission guidelines.
Registration and login are required to submit articles online and to check the current status of submissions.
International Standard Serial Number:Â 2829-2537